Michael-Ann Rowe

IG: @michaelannrowe, @canadianoysterfestival_usa

Location: New York, New York

Certified: L2 - 6/15/24, L1 - 11/1/23

Current role: Owner, Off the Beaten Palate Productions

Most meaning oyster to you: For me it's La Maison Beau Soleil because I am very proud to have such a world-wide recognized, consistently delicious oyster that comes from my home province of New Brunswick, Canada.  Meaningful because that 'merroir' is what I was brought up on.

Seriously, any sustainably raised oyster is meaningful to me because of what goes into the rearing and harvesting of an oyster, to get it to the plate.  

Favorite oyster to shuck: Definitely an east-coaster, Crassostrea virginica, at this time.  I’ve only shucked a few species and am about to attempt the Belon!  I need lots of tips from the OMG family!

Dream oyster destination: Brittany, France

Proudest oyster moments:

  1. Actually eating my first oyster and appreciating it right from the start

  2. Shucking an oyster

  3. Ceating the first Canadian Oyster FestivalNY, in 2018, where Americans can taste a host of Canadian oysters at one event.

What's your favorite thing about being an OMG member: Being a part of such a talented and curious pool of oyster lovers.  Equally, the new language and awareness that OMG is bringing to the public and the industry.  It’s the level up we need.  


Regan Schneider


Emily Chickadel